The mayors of Robadors. Resistance, commitment and voice of sex workers from the Raval of Barcelona
street sex work, resistance, public space, Barcelona, communicative action, documentary.Abstract
Based on a case study on Calle Robadors in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona, this article focuses on the place of sex workers in urban space and the city’s public sphere. The study addresses the challenge currently posed by the survival of the narratives on the “other side” of Barcelona, in particular when the story has the voice of women from this other side. Framed in a broader investigation on the strategies of resilience and resistance in the extreme spaces of the city, the case study of Calle Robadors incorporates the gender perspective in the rethinking of common concepts in critical urban studies, such as "revanchism" and "resistance". The article also provides the description of the use of documentary as a narrative technique in favor of a non-stigmatizing methodology based on communicative action.References
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