Microgeopolitics of borders: the political and infrapolitical discourse of the physical markers of the Spanish-Portuguese raya/raia





frontera, España, Portugal, demarcación, geopolítica crítica


The demarcation of the border is a fundamental part of the establishment of a frontier, but it has been very little studied. There is hardly any work on the issue, and in most of the work on borders it is resolved with a brief allusion to the frames or landmarks of which they consist. Demarcation is often interpreted as truly the end point of border fixation, and has a direct effect on the borderscape. But demarcation is a process in which states often encounter resistance from local populations, which shows the degree of their agreement or rejection of the border layout. We will approach this study in the case of the Spanish-Portuguese border the “line” (raya/raia), from the marking to the maintenance, at the local and state level. 

Author Biography

Heriberto Cairo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Catedrático. Departamento de Historia, Teorías y Geografía Políticas. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología


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2022-04-01 — Updated on 2022-06-20
