The evolution and spatial distribution of the internal migrations of foreigners: the case of Madrid Autonomous Region (1997-2008)


  • Enrique Pozo Rivera
  • Juan Carlos García Palomares


internal migration of foreigners, spatial distribution, foreigner flow types, Madrid Autonomous Region


This article studies the evolution and spatial distribution of the internal migrations of foreigners in the Madrid Autonomous Region using the Residential Variation Statistics (E.V.R.). These migratory movements have increased spectacularly since the mid-1990s in their two types of flow (intra and interprovincial) as a consequence of both the increase in the number of foreigners and their greater mobility, which is far superior to that of Spaniards. It is only since 2008 that a reduction in the intensity of the increase has occurred due to the effects of the current economic crisis. Likewise, the spatial distribution of flows displays appreciable differences both intraprovincially (where the predominant influence of the Metropolitan Area of Madrid, and within it the capital, as the principal origin and destination may be observed), and interprovincially (where the capital increases its importance in a context marked by the negative balances of the Madrid Autonomous Region with respect to the majority of Spanish provinces).




