The extracomunitary immigration and the mass media: the ecuadorian immigration in the Spanish Press


  • Claudia Pedone


writen press, extracomunitarian inmigration, ecuadorians, Totana, Murcia


This paper pursues to analyse how the phenomenon of extracomunitarian inmigration is reflected in mass media , particularly in written press. We will take ecuadorian migration in Spain as an example, particularly in the agricultural zone of Murcia. From the contextual point of view we will approached the analysis of metaphors, narratives and the use of images that national press generates , reproduces and spreads. In this way press contributes to create and reinforce stereotypes. This estigmatization of inmigrants minorities who don´t belong to "Schengen Space" helps to public opinion formation and, from here, to legitimation of the policies of exclusion of the European Union.

