Resilience during the pandemic in touristified territories

UUnequal impact of COVID-19 on the socio-economic fabric of the city of Barcelona




Overtourism, resilience, daily shops, COVID-19


The intensive development of tourist activity in urban spaces has induced notable transformations of the urban fabric, leading to phenomena such as the overspecialization of economic activities. Therefore, it has been possible to register a reconfiguration of the social relations of the resident population with its environment as well as a modification of the way in which it accesses basic goods and services.

This article explores the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on them from the unequal organization of the ground floor activities. Five axes of different neighborhoods in the city of Barcelona are studied. The main objective of the article is to analyze the resilience of these axes in two main aspects: (i) the capacity of the activities to last over time and, (ii) the permanence or not of the basic services and activities in the neighborhood.

Results reveal that those territories whose socioeconomic activity prior to COVID-19 was more diverse and had shops and daily services for the resident population, showed a greater capacity to adapt. Thus, they better resisted the socioeconomic impacts derived from the pandemic itself. The different degree of touristification as a relevant factor is highlighted to explain the various trajectories observed.


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