Agrarian reform: for a Brazil without latifundio (and without displaced people)!


  • Jorge Montenegro Gómez


Agrarian reform, displaced people, social movements


The productive modernization of the Brazilian field and a greater concentration of the property of the land, they expelled great number of peasants, in the beginning of 60's. At the end of 80's, the lack of expectations in the city and the failure of the projects of agrarian colonization forced to those displaced people to be organized to press to the State in the application of an agrarian reform. The Landless Workers' Movement (MST) was born in this time and their strategies in the fight for the land, for the agrarian reform and for the transformation of the society they have modified the panorama of the social conflicts in Brazil, getting bigger questions as the reconstruction of the daily life of the rural workers, the development alternatives for the field and the alliances of the hard-working class for the construction of a society beyond the capital.

