Rethinking Housing and Planning Policies from the Bairro Novo de Évora




Housing policies, territorial planning, Estado Novo, Portugal, Évora, social mix, affordable housing


The investigation of historical processes in the field of urban and housing studies allows for an improved understanding of the relationship between past events and facts, including those related to the design and implementation of public policies, and the results observed in the present.

Using historical research methodologies, such as the collection and analysis of primary information in archives and literature review, the article contributes to understanding the political, socioeconomic, and cultural conditions that led to the construction of the Bairro Novo de Évora as a space characterized by a mix of housing regimes and social classes.

The results produced by the empirical research further contribute to the theoretical debate on: i) how dominant ideologies and normative expectations in a political and legal system condition the possibilities for local-level action; ii) the lack of an unequivocal causal link between Estado Novo policies and socio-spatial segregation processes; and iii) the parallel importance of internationally circulating ideas and the agency of local actors in shaping territorial outcomes, even in a context of strong political centralization.


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