The immigration in the middle cities; the case of Sabadell


  • Santi Valls Molina
  • Neus Brunet Vega


Sabadell, basic needs, services, demands


When the immigrants arrived in a city they find a new space where they can survive. The basic needs house a job overcoat, transforms into demands that have to be dealed from the public or private scope. Is known that immigrants use to live in the cheapest houses of the city, and the zones where the access into a house is lower use to be areas of concentration of immigrants. In the metropolitan enviroment the work market use to reach levels over municipal, that converts cities with few attractive dynamics into desired cities for immigrants that’s the case of Sabadell, where the interior work market don’t explain for its own the rising attraction that city makes over the immigrants, contrary to what occurs in other cities of Barcelona metropolitan environment like Terrassa or Mataró. Depending of the collective that immigrants belong, they will develop other kind of needs related to their culture and vision of space.(schooling, specifics shops, temples). With the pass of time is going to modifity the diferent social network that each collective develop in the city. That changes will have effects over the different demands that this collectives will do in the local administration and in the diferent services of the city.

