Hidden Landscapes of Urban Dispossession





As a result of the expansion of neoliberal policies, landscapes of dispossession proliferate in cities due to the extreme pressure on the housing market and its trail of evictions, the conversion of collective living spaces into commodified areas, and the drastic transformation of the urban landscape through successive waves of residential, commercial, and tourist gentrification.
Additionally, there is the multiplication of what we have termed in this dossier as "hidden landscapes of urban dispossession", meaning spaces that, although visible, are not truly seen and are often not even considered as problems to be solved unless they interfere with the full operation of the urban growth machine.
In this dossier, we present various cases of hidden landscapes in Barcelona and its surroundings, the result of work carried out by researchers from various disciplines at universities in Barcelona. These studies are approached from anthropology, geography, architecture, and sociology, applying theoretical resources specific to their respective disciplines, but with a shared methodological perspective.


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Massey, Doreen. (2004). Geographies of responsibility. Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography, 86 B, 5–18.

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Sassen, Saskia. (2014). Expulsions. Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Thrasher, Frederic Milton. (1927). The Gang. A Study of 1,313 Gangs in Chicago. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press (traducido Thrasher, F.M. La banda. Un studio de 1.313 bandas de Chicago. Barcelona: Ned Ediciones.)

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Dosier: paisajes ocultos de la desposesion