The migrant on the capital dominance. Opression and social impacts


  • William Ribeiro da Silva


work, migrant, dominance of the capital, collapse of the modernization


The present work is a rehearsal reflexive absentee of empiric discussion, in that conceptual is questioned the bases that secure the way of capitalist production, through the technological modifications and in the structures of exploration of the work and its consequent reflexes in the migratory processes. In a historical moment in what it doesn't exist more the same need of exploration of the labor, as they are the migratory flows? Where they would go? Do they tend to decrease? To end? Would the migrant notice definitively and would she stop being migrating? And with relationship to the apparels of the State, would they disappear? These questions appear in a perspective of understanding of a new reality, a new condition of performance of the capital and of the society.




