Work and economic overflow: the Quilombos in the Brazil


  • Lourdes F. B. Carril


overproduction, peasantes, agricult production, common use


Begining in the 50s with the increase of the modernization process in the Brazilian Economy, several projects were created to expand the Brazilian Capitalism. These projects reached the Quilombos lands, which for more than of century experience the common use of natural resources and the land itself since Slavery times. The Quilombos originated from the fights against slavery and nowadays they still strugle for the recognition of their rights through chapter 68 of the Brazilian Constitution. As workers, however, time imposes on them the disagregation of the Peasant culture. Hidroeletric projects, Lumber companies, mineral explorers (mine prospection) and real estate investors have exploited their lands. The units environmental preservation consider these lands as empty territories. The youngsters are seen by the older as a lazy group as they have been taken away from their lands and have not been able to find a job in the city.




