Labour and the Mexico City:a revision from the geography of the urban productive activities


  • Jorge Enrique Horbath Corredor


labour, development


Entering to the XXI century Mexico City, one of the populated cities in the planet, shows big transformations in their productive structure and in the geographical of their activities. From the beginning of the population's concentration in this city, it showed an industrial vocation and of dynamism of the trade and services. Today, the city faces changes from the earthquake of 1985. The " megalopolis " has seen how the industry comes being relocated in the Mexican territory and she has specialized its space in tertiary activities, combining the destruction of employment sources that the industries contributed with the increment of the non formal activities and the microempresariales. Now, the city expels manpower but she is not solved the problem of giving employment to so much population. In their streets it begins to it turns the segmentation and the configuration of a dual city.




