The forestal activity: an alternative in the generation of employement in Neuquén Province, Argentina


  • María Nélida Martínez


territory, local development, rules


The forestal activity, in Argentina have had a considerable evolution in the 90's, in a context where there is access to finantial politics, and where the international demand is growing. In Neuquén province, located in the North of the argentine Patagonia, the organizations that are appointed to forestry, are getting stronger, because they count whit a pontentiality of 60.000 hetares whit a high forestal aptitud in areas without population and practically whithout usage. Neuquén's Forest Direction, have facilitated the generation of employment, based in forestation, particularlly appointed to natives comunities as the Mapuches, small an medium productors, like an initiative to control the rural despopulation, and avoid a population concentration in the small urban centers. In that way centered in the local particularities, this centers can cristalize there "fulfilment", on one hand like an attractive place for invesments an to generate jobs, etc., on the other hand, as a diffusing center of a local development model that guarantee a process of reproduction, accumulation and distribution of capital. This paper shows an analysis about how is the way to generate jobs and employments in marginal territories, starting whith the implementation of a modern legal frame, like an alternative to both the political inestability and the social and economical reality of the country.




