The profession conceptualization in the Valencian Community


  • Alicia Ros Garrido
  • Ruth Arroyo Montesinos


profession, labor, training, employment


The Valencian region (Comunidad Valenciana) is an strategic place for the Tourism sector. Training has to respond to the labour reality, and future workers have to respond to it. The Vocational Education Training (VET), medium and high degree (in Spain, Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio y/o Superior), implanted in the Valencian region, are the tool that the educational system provide to respond to the needs and to the new demands. They are generated by employment in local work VET, have their own conceptualization about the profession in this sector. They transmit this conceptualization to theirs pupils. At the same time, pupils have a conceptualization of the profession, which may fit or not to reality. What are the difference between conceptualization of teachers and the one of pupils? Analyse this connection suppose a challenge for the work conceptualization and the new demands.




