The Polish immigrants in Madrid. An ethnography of quotidian life


  • Mikolaj Stanek


Polish immigrants, Madrid, quotidian life


From beginnings of nineties he increases in Spain Polish immigrants's number. The growth of this group is one of the most dynamical between the immigrants proceeding from the countries of the not community Europe. However his knowledge is still very limited. This fact comes reflected for the scarce number of works dedicated to this theme. This article presents some aspects of quotidian life of the Polish resident immigrants in Madrid. Principal objectives are to describe how the Polish immigrants that reside in Madrid reconstruct his quotidian life, whereon aspects understand the characteristic guidelines of life quotidian characteristic for the Spaniards or for another groups immigrants that live in Spain and whereon aspects maintain his way of life the quotidian acquired in Poland. This article analyzes also some aspects of quotidian life: The personal relations in several levels, the spatial handling, the consumption and the likes, the forms to enjoy the workday and the feast day.




