Eclecticism and Modernism in the dwellings of a working-class district: San Andres district in Valladolid


  • Francisco Javier Domínguez Burrieza


Eclecticism, Modernism, working-class dwellings


Eclectic and modernist trends in architecture, encouraged by the bourgeoisie in the second half of 19th century until the late 1920s, have always been analysed in the city-centre urban development. Nevertheless, it is not only in the city centre where relevant models worthy of studying can be found, but also in the periphery, mainly in some districts. This is the case of San Andres district in Valladolid, where we can discover outstanding buildings similar to those in the city centre. Dwellings hitherto unknown were built by the same architects an master builders who designed the lie of the land in Valladolid those days. Some of these buildings still stand and some others can be analysed with the help of the plans and maps preserved at the Local Archive in Valladolid.

