Problemas urbanos del Distrito Federal para el nuevo siglo: la vivienda en los grupos populares de la ciudad


  • Jorge Enrique Horbath Corredor


residence deficit, informal urbanization, urban poverty


From the conformation of the prehispanic city, one of the main problems that their residents confronted was the construction of housings, he went winning him land to the lake and their growth has been in a horizontal way and it follows it being, not how in other Latin American cities where the biggest contribution to the urban growth is in a vertical way. The concentration and growth of the D.F. is also inheritance of the economic development and politician centralized with three decades of high-intensity, as they went him the years fifty at seventy in last century. The space to build new housings is more and more scarce. At the moment this problem stays latent, in spite of the fact that the city expels population, the housing deficit it continues being big and it is increased. They are required more than half million of new housings but the global deficit is of not very more 1.5 millions that are required mainly by popular groups who belong to the fringe of urban poverty of the city. Many solutions of them end in establishments" irregular" not capable for the construction or in human establishments in conservation floor. This prints him a particular way to build the city and their urban spaces that expose differences to the interior of the small territory, only occupying 150 thousand hectares like territorial entity in front of the other domestic States and however it is one of the biggest concentrations in the planet. This is a challenge to solve for this new century.

