The old people in their houses, in their city


  • Juan Manuel Escudero
  • Luis Daniel Passantino


ageing, house, city


According to the increasing ageing of people, it's essential to support the maxim adaptability of people to their progressive physical and mental deterioration and this, must necessarily be accompanied by lodging adaptation, by their immediate surroundings and by the urban conditions. In addition, everyday life changes have strongly installed the subject of adaptability, flexibility and accessibility as a design instruction. The emphasis of these instructions is commonly based on the security requirements and the elimination of barriers for a good performance. But we know this is not enough, a protecting and careful container will reduce our effort and attention capability to develop in a not always foreseeable environment. Architecture can and must generate stimulating spaces for physical and mental activity, during the old age too, accompanied by curiosity and delight, trying to make the most of our aptitudes.

