Investigation and innovation inside the area of the social house. An experience from the investigation in joint with teaching


  • Gastón Badillos
  • Roberto Kuri
  • Horacio Bertuzzi
  • Fernando Lario


investigation, teaching, social house, flexibility


The house with its space and constructive specialization, as is being massively constructed today, don’t show to be a suitable support for the multiple programs that are developed and that changes in relatively short periods of times. We cannot conceive the house as a close fact, but we can see it like an open and live system. (evolutionary and adaptable). This work review a pedagogical experience developed in the Course of Architectonic Design “A” in the 5º year degree, where since 1988 it’s being developing a double investigation job, joined with the personal teaching’s job, where the students are participants in the revision and in the typological renovation of the social housing, stimulating an investigation attitude in relation with the global processes and situations, with referring and local conditions, that let us carry out an identity, a culture and an architecture that answers at this time and place.

