The quarter Laffitte at Los Remedios. An example of social segration in the 1960's Seville


  • José Luis Ruiz Ortega


suburb, Los Remedios, social segregation


The removal of the quarter Laffitte gives an example of the methods used to clean the areas marked by real estate speculation. It was set in Los Remedios, an area transformed in the residence of sevillian bourgeoisie. The sixties of the last century. This area occupied a strategically enclave next to the new bridge ldquo;Generalísimordquo;. Assessed as a suburb, the families who were lodged here came from Triana and other sites included in the project of expansion approved to urbanise the area. The town hall acted as executive weapon of Los Remedios S. A., concessionaire and lessor of the quarter housing, expelling the neighbours to shelter and housing sites in the outer part of Seville.

