In the limits of the life: housing and space partner segregation in the areas metropolitans northeast Brazilian


  • Anelino Francisco da
  • Valdenildo Pedro da Silva


housing, slum quarters, space partner segregation


The study on housing and space partner segregation in the areas metropolitans northeast Brazilian she is a thematic one that in it took to think them the cities metropolises of this region of the country, as space-secular unit. The city comes following the logic of the capitalist inaquality, printing itself by means of a true slum quarters segregation. Our inquiry looked for to unmask the production distinct of the cities, being searched to go beyond the vision of opposing cities, that is, pursuing the agreement of space parther, so present in the urban centers in this present time. We intend, with this work, to reflect on the constructed environment, leaning over us, over all, in return of the limitations of the life of the city dwellers northeasterns, who inhabit in the areas metropolitans of Fortaleza, Recife and Salvador.

