Gas in all floors. The long process to the generalized domestic gas consumption
domestic consumption of coal gas, advertising, changes in production processAbstract
The generalization of coal gas as a domestic combustible found numerous obstacles because two main reasons: its high price and its insecurity perception by the population. There were numerous testimonies of those difficulties. Already from mid-19th century, began a lot of studies with the objective of build up the domestic use of coal gas. There were numerous, also, the publications in which it was tried to reinforce its use; but only when the price of gas diminished notably and, mainly, when some essential security systems were effective, the gas was accepted in the home. In all Europe the introduction of the gas in the domestic scope found the same difficulties. In Spain, in addition, the Civil War of 1936-39 disorganized the economic structure and, consequently, the infrastructures, which were another obstacle for the generalization of the gas in the homes. In our communication we will present some considerations of general character to show, later, the development of the gas domestic consumption in Barcelona between 1930 and 1963.Downloads
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