Mobility and migrations in Europe construction: an introduction to one of the topics of the Spanish Geographers Association 18th Congress (Barcelona, 24th-27th September 2003)


  • Joaquín Recaño Valverde


“return” internal migrations, residential mobility, extra-EU immigration


The goal is the analysis of the characteristics of the internal return migration in Spain during the first half of the 1990s. Data comes from the Estadística de Variaciones Residenciales and a sample of individuals of the 1991 census. Aspects adressed in this work are: demographic structure, territorial impact, intensity and regional distribution according to the area of origin and destination of return migration.The main conclusions are: return migration are played by the youths; a high diversity in the territorial impact of phenomena; from the point of view of the region of residence the insular regions (Balearic and Canaries) and the ancient regions of emigration have the biggest relative intensities of return as compared to regions like Catalonia, Madrid and the Basque Country; from the point of view of the region of born, people born in Galicia represent the share of emigrants with the biggest return intensity which much above that of Andalusians and Castilian-leoneses, these last with the smallest return intensity.




