Procesos innovativos y redes en dos municipios del conurbano bonaerense


  • Patricio Narodowski
  • Cristian Matti


innovation, networks, knowledge, territories, firms


In the last ten years, there has been an important transformation process involving industries, which has not turned into a sufficient intensification of innovative activities inside firms nor of steady interaction between firms, especially in their own territory. Through this analysis, we study the economic and institutional context and define the linkage degree and innovation indicators, which are applied to the plastic transforming firm of two cities on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. We also make a distinction between the networks providing final and intermediate goods to leading firms and the relations between firms working within a the low quality and price market. We set out to explain the importance of macroeconomics determinants, the political economy, the evolution of institutions and the firm strategies to the generate verticals, horizontals and territorials networks.

