The innovation in globalization times: an approach


  • Valdenildo Pedro da Silva
  • Cláudio A. G. Egler


innovation, technological innovation, globalization


The historical acceleration that we live deeply has the innovation technique as a set of devices boosters of the territorially organizations. The innovation is part of day-by-day of the societies and, in particular, of the companies, by means of changes in the productive processes and the models of the products that insert the technological progress. It is had, thus, a true geography of the innovation, anchoring itself in technological changes in the productive systems and the development and ordinance of the territories, by means of new spaces of innovation (spontaneous and planned), beyond decurrent territorial implications of the innovation. But what an important agenda became the innovations, or an preeminent question of this the present time? It has who says that the current innovations, in this period of the new allied technologies to the telecommunications and computer science, modify the social structures significantly, modifying the ways of if producing, circulating, to distribute and to consume good, services and ideas, for example, in the space organization. Or still, that the current territories and societies are being reorganized in essential way for intermediary of tecno-space processes. Ours to see, this is the new content that makes to excite other questionings or new interpretations, of this time related to the recent technological innovations, the productive system and the territory, what it contributes for the emergency of a geography of the innovation. This text develops a reflection on the diffusion of technological innovation, identifying to the dimensions politics, economic and partner-cultural of the new technologies presently.

