Imperio y multitud: la transformación de la gobernabilidad en los entornos virtuales


  • Blanca Callén
  • Francisco Javier Tirado


Empire, Multitude, Virtual Spaces, Governability


Recently, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri have put forward "Empire" as a notion that can explain the political condition of globalization. This concept has received several critics. However, it is possible to rethink their proposals. This can allow us to solve those critics and to open new spaces for the application of such proposals. In that sense, we sustain that the work of these authors doesn't constitute a definition of a political and historical moment named " Empire "; but rather, the analysis of a very specific relationship: the established between "Empire" and "Multitude". Moreover, both concepts can be thought as everyday practices very extended over whole reality. Such practices appear, for example, in frameworks like virtual spaces and they display from exercises so seemingly innocuous as a digital newspaper, laws about authorship or the emergency of a virtual community.

