The S.I.G. and the selection of strategies relative to the cereal load transport, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina Republic


  • Silvia Alicia Santarelli


G.I.S. transport of cereal, decisions, computerized model, simulations


The purpose of the work is to present the obtained results of the study of the cereal load transport system in relation to the agricultural system whit in a predominantly farming region of Argentina. The different actors -farmers, carriers, grain brokers, exporters- make decisions about the operation of their companies founded on a reasoning that maximizes the gains although their behavior, in many occasions, follows guidelines intuitive; on the matter, these decisions cause feasible space transformations to visualize cartographically. Also, the diverse models about transport convenience areas according to means, costs or yield, elaborated with S.I.G., contemplate between their main variables the amount and location of the production, existence and accessibility to load points, routes and railroad and value of cereal in the main ports of the area. The simulations show the diverse strategies that could be adopted considering the variable daily conditions of the market and constitute a contribution adequate at the time of selling, buying or to transfering the production.

