Tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación en los sistemas de transporte aéreo: Aerosig, uuna propuesta de planificación y gestión de los entornos aeroportuarios


  • Joana-Maria Seguí Pons
  • Maria Rosa Martínez Reynés
  • Maurici Ruíz
  • Joana Eva Martí


Airport, area of influence, planification, GIS, Expert Systems


The GIS have consolidated themselves as an excellent tool for the management and planification of transport and its infrastructure. Nevertheless, the introduction of Information Technology systems, which has given place to the well known Intellgent Transport Systems, has contributed to their diffusion and has permitted them to grow in a conceptual and metodological way, giving them new functionalities. Although the applications of the ITS cover all transport methods, air transport has been one of the first pioneer transport methods which has kept open an important line of development and application of such systems. Currently, the worries of the sector have already trascended the strictly airportuary and navigational system affairs to reach the difficult relationship between the airport infrastructures and their immediate surroundings. New applications have so appeared, in concept of expert management systems in which the GIS and telematic applications are efficiently embedded. In this line, we add, as an example, our project AeroGIS, which intends to offer an instrument for help in the planification and management of territories in contact with airport infrastructures.

