Los sistemas inteligentes de transporte y sus efectos en la movilidad urbana e interurbana


  • Joana-Maria Seguí Pons
  • Maria Rosa Martínez Reynés


Intelligent Transporte System, sustainable mobility, public transport, SAE, fast personal transport systems


Urban traffic today is complicated, in the majority of developed metropolitan areas in which traffic congestion has become a hard-to-solve everyday problem, a problem which creates undesired effects in the mobility of drivers and pedestrians. The misfollowed mass transport timetables, the increase in travel time in both private and public transport, air pollution and intolerable loudness levels are some of these effects. All of these cause an evident drop in the population's general wellbeing, but also originates important economic losses. Among the most efficient solutions to the problem of traffic congestion is the intensive use of informatics and telecommunications systems applied to traffic management. In effect, ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) are currently providing the citizen and public institution with an efficient support towards the attempt of solving the congestion problems in urban and interurban transports, not only helping to improve mobility but also its sustainability. The target of this study is to identify the state of the art of such systems, in what concerns new applications developed during the past few years.

