Da Europa para a América: a trajetória do Movimento Olímpico brasileiro


  • Katia Rubio


Olympic Games, Brazil, sport


Originated as a ritual in Zeus’s honor, the Olympic Games were recreated in the end of XIXth century the Olympic Games faced many difficulties to be established until acquire the condition of most important contemporary social culture phenomenon. They crossed over the XXth century strictly following the social dynamic and the politic and commercial interests that had been attached to this event. Created and developed in the Europe they were expanding to all continents. The contemporary athletes, that at the beginning had their social condition and identity as amateurs, lovers of sportive practice and representative of a social group dedicated only to the athletic realizations, saw this role be changed by the transformations of the Olympic Games. The purpose of this research is presented de development of sport and modern Olympic movement and its arrive in the American continent, specifically in Brazil. In this process it’s clear that the sport and the Olympic movement have politic and commercial character that was multiplied during the last 108 years.




