Militarization of the urban area and the culture of extermination: initial considerations


  • Vânia Vlach
  • Sandra Rodrigues Braga


militarization of the urban area, violence, culture of extermination, terror


The emergence and development of the Brazilian cities are impregnated by authoritarian models of our socio-political and cultural process. That explains why traditional or modern elites establish the rules of the political game of the State, collaborating with the extra-national powers. In the context of a State that organizes, in an authoritarian way, the dynamics of the society and in which the economics is privileged, a favorable field to terror is originated. In that way, a culture of violence is spread out in Brazil. It is manifested, simultaneously, when the possibility of people’s survival is harder, mainly in the urban areas, and when the project of a democratic citizenship is denied. As safety's public issue is transferred to the private sector, the city of walls as architecture for the fear is discussed in the second part of this work and, in the third part, the genesis of extermination which is a political project of excluding character.

