Expert environmental report: instrument of citizenship in the urban place. Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil


  • Cristiano Rocha
  • Dirce M. (Dirce Maria) Suertegaray


urban regularization, urban, enviromnmental, urban sustainability


This work is resulted of an interdisciplinary project, agreement government of Rio Grande do Sul and UFRGS, denominated Urban Regularization and citizenship. The area, study object, is located in the northeast of Porto Alegre, in the neighborhood Mario Quintana where eighty families live approximately. The objective of this research is the integrated analysis of the physical and socioeconomic processes that it composes the environmental of the studied space. In this place it is in course a process of urban regularization, being done necessary the elaboration of a decision environmental. The expert environmental report looks for, under different parameters (infrastructure, services, work, leisure), the partner-environmental conditions of the place with views to subsidize the discussion on urban sustainability.

