Paisajes y patrimonios culturales del agua . La salvaguarda del valor patrimonial de los regadíos tradicionales.


  • Rafael Mata Olmo
  • Santiago Fernández Muñoz

Palabras clave:

landscape, traditional irrigation systems, water and cultural heritage, water management policy


Recent processes involving the transformation of traditional irrigation systems in the Iberian Mediterranean region are degrading landscapes considered to be highly valuable from the production and heritage points of view. This is the basic content of our paper, which addresses the relationship between water and landscape in irrigated areas, and how public policies, in particular water management policy, deals with the landscape and heritage values of historical irrigation systems. Following a proposal for the typology of traditional irrigation landscapes in Spain, we characterise the contemporary evolution thereof, taking as an example the Huerta de Murcia. In the final part, we describe some impacts of classical modernisation policies on the heritage values of historical irrigated landscapes and provide some proposals aimed at safeguarding and managing these.




