Del urbanismo reglamentario a las nuevas concepciones de ordenamiento territorial.
Palabras clave:
regulatory urbanism, urban territorial management, management, governance, regulatory and technological instrumentsResumo
Regulatory urbanism does not work because the State is debilitated. This affirmation sustains in the research’s results referred to the territorial transformations and the impacts that they generate. The complexity of the present city must be boarded in an integral and participating way considering the necessity to plan and articulate actions between the public and private sector, and the society. Opposite to this context, the holistic vision of the urban territorial management is a response to the necessity of fortifying and making the management more efficient. As it has been possible to verify in the developments implemented at governmental level, a way to obtain it is to count at least on two instruments: one normative, the Law of Territorial Management, and another technological, the GIS. The key of the success depends on the degree of transformation that will be obtained in the State.Descargas
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