En busca de una utopía verde: migrantes de amenidad en la Comuna de Pucón, IX región de la Araucanía, Chile.


  • Hugo Marcelo Zunino
  • Rodrigo Hidalgo Dattwyler

Palabras clave:

amenity migration, territoriality, culture, social change


This paper examines a specific segment of the “amenity migrants”: those have settled in the Municipality of Pucón during the last years to satisfy existential needs like reaching a greater connection with nature. We analyze their motives to migrate, the level of territorial belonging and discuss the capacity of this group to influence in social and political processes at the local level. We conclude that while this groups present high degrees of territorial belonging; their capacity to intervene in the decision taken by the local government and to defend their ideals is weak due to low level of organization and lack of political commitment. Finally, we discuss the channels that remain open to permeate the local governmental structure.

