De las islas de utopía a los espacios de la marginación: el impacto de la políticas de vivienda de México en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.


  • Elvira Maycotte
  • Erick Sánchez Flores
  • Miguel Ángel Argomedo Casas

Palabras clave:

closed urbanization, socio-spatial segregation, housing policies


Juarez' tendency to grow in a Closed Urbanization fashion has prevailed thanks to norms that have not brought instruments to counter act against the collateral effects of social and urban order growing in such a manner create. Under this walling, justified by different arguments of which security, tranquility, contact with nature and even social status, a very visible manifestation of socio-spatial segregation arises, which in turn serves as contrasting evidence between the worlds built on an ideal scenario and urban spaces produced around it at the same time: two worlds that face very different conditions of life born out of the inside and outside of this questionable privatized spaces. Also, housing policies helped the construction industry by supporting corporations in charge of developing the private sector, whose activities showed even more inequity to access the goods and services that the city is supposed to procure for its citizens.

