L'habitatge: ¿moneda de canvi, element d'exclusió territorial o dret bàsic? Badalona com a punt de referència


  • Maria Herrero
  • Joan , 1958- Tort i Donada
  • Valerià Paül

Palabras clave:

Área Metropolitana de Barcelona, altas densidades urbanas, barrios laberínticos, vivienda de propiedad y de alquiler, Estado del bienestar


This paper is, essentially, a study of the general characteristics of housing in Badalona, a city lying within the urban continuum of the metropolitan area of Barcelona. It is structured in three sections: first, we describe the basic features of the urban morphology and the distribution of the zones with a residential land use; second, we urdertake a detailed analysis of the city’s housing, examining, among other aspects, the different classes of housing, their patterns of spatial distribution and systems of ownership; finally, we examine certain questions arising from the study regarding the general housing problem in a metropolitan area such as that found in Barcelona.

