Estrategias de participación ciudadana en la gestión de la movilidad y el transporte. La Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona como ejemplo.


  • Carme Miralles-Guasch
  • Àngel Cebollada
  • Rafael Requena


citizen participation, mobility, transports, university


This article puts forward a strategy for actively involving citizens in mobility management in a metropolitan nodal point, namely the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). The UAB, located in a suburban area and is cut off from the traditional urban stretches in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, plays host to 40,000 people on a daily basis, less than 10% of whom actually live on campus. Its very location and population means that accessibility is a priority consideration in UAB strategic planning. To this, it has concurrently organised the UAB Mobility Round Table a join body which includes representatives from all the academic fields, territorial authorities involved in mobility management/ planning and the corresponding transport services. The analysis put forward in this article has consequences for the change in the scientific paradigm being developed from the field of Geography

