Veinte años no es nada. Procesos de regularización de villas y asentamientos informales en la Region Metropolitana de Buenos Aires.


  • María Mercedes di Virgilio
  • Tomás Guevara
  • María Soledad Arqueros Mejica


regularization, housing typologies, localization


This paper aims to analyze regularization processes in villas y asentamientos informales in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires, and its linkage with Social Production of Habitat. To this end, we discuss the role of urban policy in access to land for the popular sectors and the processes of regularizations as direct interventions on the territory and its impact on the consolidation of informal habitat. The research focuses in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires, specifically in four villas y asentamientos with different localizations and segregation conditions. The selection of the study cases is based on the recognition that health and social services provision results strongly biased by social sectors and jurisdictions, affecting people’s living conditions.

