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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The file is in format Microsoft Word.
  • The paper has not been published in another journal or is not in the process of evaluation (in case it has, a justification is offered in the field “Comments for the Editor”.
  • Whenever possible, references include a doi or URL
  • All illustrations, figures and tables have been located in the position that corresponds to them, and not at the end of the text.
  • The text complies with the stylistic and bibliographic requirements established in the "Author guidelines".
  • The instructions have been followed to ensure an anonymous evaluation.

Author Guidelines

The articles that are proposed to Ar@cne. Revista Electrónica de Recursos en Internet sobre Geografía y Ciencias Sociales go to the Articles section and go through an external evaluation process. They must be original and have not been published or accepted in another magazine. Nor should they be in assessment or have editorial commitments with any other publication.

Articles written in Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician and Italian will be accepted. For the writing of the texts, the Criteria of the University of Barcelona must be followed, available at (in Spanish, Catalan and English).

Those articles that do not meet these presentation rules will be rejected.

The articles that are rejected in any of the phases of the editorial process will be destroyed. Correspondence will not be maintained with the authors once the rejection of the articles is notified.

The publication of articles will be free for all authors.

Submissión of originals

The articles will be sent only in digital format, through the Open Jornal Sistem. They will be presented in Microsoft Word with the following format: margins 2,5cm, simple line spacing, and Times New Roman Times size 12.
It will have a maximum of 60,000 characters including abstract, figures, tables, notes, and bibliography. If it was essential to overcome this post-statement, the author must consult previously.

To ensure a double-blind evaluation, any identification of the authors must be eliminated from the files. These data will be provided through the OJS platform and will never be included in the manuscript. To ensure anonymity, before sending the go to "Properties", "Details", "Remove Personal Information" and OK.

Extension and structure of the articles

Each original must contain:
- Title of the article (in capital letters) in the language in which it is written, in Spanish in the event that it is written in another language, and in English.
-Resume with a maximum of 250 words and keywords (minimum of 3 and maximum of 5) in the corresponding languages.
-The text of the article with the tables and figures (with their respective titles and sources out of the images and on the top) and footnotes.
- The introduction, in which the problem approached, the objectives, the methodology and the structure of the article are presented.
- The bibliography.

The texts will be organized, at most, on three non-numbered hierarchical levels. The titles corresponding to the first level will be written in the lowercase and bold print of 14 points; those of the second level in tiny and bold letter of 12 points. If there is a third level, the title will be written in a tiny and italic 12-point print.


The footnotes will be used to provide data or observations complementary to the content of the text and to quote abbreviated. In the latter case, the note will include the surname of the author, the year of publication of the work and the page. For example: Capel, 2019, p. 10.

In case there are more than three authors, only one of them can be included, followed by the expression "et al."

The abbreviated appointments will always be made in the notes and never in the text.


The bibliography, ordered alphabetically, and for each author chronologically, will be included at the end of the text.

Whenever possible, references will include a DOI or URL.

The bibliographical references will be made according to ISO 690 and 690-2 standards, following the following examples:

1. Books

CAPEL, Horacio. Agentes urbanos y mercado inmobiliario. Vol. III de La morfología de las ciudades. Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal (Colección La Estrella Polar, nº 62), 2013. 461 p. [ISBN: 978-84-7628-732-3; ISBN, obra completa: 978-84-7628-450-6; Depósito legal: B-20.845-2013].

2. Book chapters

FRAILE, Pedro. La regla y el modelo: la racionalidad en la ordenación urbana y territorial (siglos XVIII y XIX). In BONASTRA, Quim; JORI, Gerard. Imaginar, organizar y controlar el territorioUna visión geográfica de la construcción del Estado-nación. Barcelona: Icària Editorial, 2013, p. 77-121.

3. Articles of the Journal

CHAPARRO, Jeffer. Retos para las revistas electrónicas de libre acceso en Iberoamerica. A propósito de la I Jornada sobre Revistas Científicas Electrónicas Españolas en Acceso Abierto. Ar@cneRevista electrónica de recursos en Internet sobre Geografía y Ciencias Sociales. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, nº 86, 1 de agosto de 2006 <>.

ZAAR, Miriam-Hermi. El derecho a la vivienda en el contexto del Plan Especial Urbanístico de Alojamientos Turísticos (PEUAT) de Barcelona y de sus planes antecesores. Biblio 3W. Revista Bibliográfica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 5 septiembre 2017, vol. XXII, nº 1.210, p. 1-38. <>. 

4. Electronic resources

MUSEO NACIONAL CENTRO DE ARTE REINA SOFÍA. Catálogo [en línea]: de la biblioteca.<>    [Consulta: 21 de abril de 1999].

Plagiarism analysis

Ar@cne adopts systems to detect plagiarism, using Internet search engines and free softwares such as Plagium and Square detector.



Privacy Statement

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Legitimation: Consent of the person concerned.

Destinative: University itself and treatment managers, where appropriate. The transfer of data to third parties is not contemplated, unless it is legal obligation.

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