The management of risk in Venezuela and Latin America, its cartographic representation and the potential projection of geography with social reach .


  • Scarleth Coromoto Mujica


At the moment, the investigations in geography are many that incline their interest towards the production of risk maps, having like support the registry of events and happened episodes, to project susceptibility models and threatens. The development of these investigations is considered interesting, but not yet a wished level is obtained, being that the environmental risk is a problem nonsolved in the dawn of century XXI. The primary target is to approach a state-of-the-art in Venezuela and some countries of Latin America, referred specially to the stage of evaluation and cartographic representation, with the purpose of locating a space of transcendental action for geography, and together to it, of adapting criteria so that future investigations can become an important potential for the projection of this discipline. The methodology of documentary revision was adopted, investigating in diverse sources, as much electronic as printed, through pages Web, documents and specialized magazines.


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