The Role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the rural community. The case of credit coopetatives


  • Jordi Capó Vicedo Universitat Politècnica de València. Campus d´Alcoi
  • Josep Capó Vicedo Universitat Politècnica de València. Campus d´Alcoi
  • Gabriel García Martínez Universitat Politécnica de València. Facultat d' Administració i Direcció d´Empreses
  • Cristina P. Sarasa Pérez Universitat Politècnica de València. Campus d´Alcoi.


The information and communication technologies (ICT), are a fundamental engine of the growth and the innovation in the current economy. Nevertheless in Spain a considerable difference exists in the adoption of these technologies between the rural environment and the urban one. In this situation, the Credit cooperatives have the opportunity to incorporate and implement these technologies for being more competitive and for growing, as to promote and to stimulate the incorporation and integration of the new technologies (ICT) in the rural community. The objective of the present article is to analyze this question, impacting in the current situation of the Spanish Credit cooperatives.


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