The historic importance of the seacoast zones and the sea terrestrial in Brazil’s Colonial and Imperial period


  • Marco Túlio Mendonça Diniz


The occupation of lands that today form Brazil’s territory by the Europeans happened through the seacoast zone, so as the same with the rest of the Americas. From the seaboard, the colonizers moved forward inside the continent, but the big part of Brazilians big cities from that historic period in study settled in the seacoasts. They had great strategic importance to the Crown that showed a special interest for the sea terrestrial which was the motive of normative attention by the monarchy. The manner of how the first seacoast cities were rising is in some historic documents and in scientific works, the spatial and temporal contexts of the Brazil’s seacoast occupations and conflicts. The Brazil’s colonial and imperial legislation, which is found in digital form,juntamente esquisas em Geografia Histdigital se apresentam como grande fonte de dados prim it is presented as a big source with easy access to primary data for researches in Historic Geography. That source is the main base of this research.


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