Ecotourism digital guide for brazilian protected areas: a proposal to popularization and management through the GIS-WEB


  • Vivian Castilho da Costa
  • Nadja Maria Castilho da Costa
  • Jefferson Pereira Caldas dos Santos


The studies inside Pedra Branca State Park, located at west of the Rio de Janeiro city, led to the elaboration of a "Digital Guide" whose objective is the availability of thematic maps of such protected area, through Internet and/or other digital means. Such visual resources will result in products that seek to provide, to visitors and researchers, detailed informations about ecotouristic activities in this protected area. The methodology is based on the assembly of a georeference database (SBDG) and Geographic Information System in Internet tools (GIS-WEB). Those GIS tools will be used to the necessary consultations and to help managers in decision making concerning to ecotourism in PEPB. All the generated information will help visitors in conveniently planning their activities and itineraries to fully improve the local ecotourism demand.


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