The Weather Forescast Using Internet


  • Rosana Rel Aguilar


Internet, Meteorology, weather models, blogs and forums.


Interest in weather is long. Either by profession, for many farmers, which are pending in the sky each day, or simply out of admiration, meteors, rain, wind, snow, have aroused the enthusiasm of many people and scholars of this science. 

Today, in a society increasingly in need of planning free-time activities, with a great maritime and air, and in which extreme sports, snow sports and major events generate great interest and great expectations, the weather is still the central focus for a very important part of the population and the Internet has revolutionized the science, in the sense that today easily accessible and free to the data deposited meteorological agencies on the network. In addition, and not only data and forecasts are validated by some professionals in this field, if not tracking weather forums and blogs are still crucial to know where exactly and how intensity is producing a particular weather phenomenon. Like news, weather, and this immediacy is also available to many citizens.


This article starts with the objective to raise awareness of current Web sites that host information on weather forecasts, maps, real-time data, such as those provided by  weather stations and weather forums.



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