The double expression of the world: geographical space and Cyberspace in Matrix


  • Carlos Hernando Velásquez Coca


geographical space, cyberspace, simulation, action-space, Matrix, DTIC


Our perception of the World is changing due to the insertion of the Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (DTIC), in the most fundamental aspects of our daily lives. In this context of apparent total connection, the films, specifically the Science fiction films, seems to take a critical position about the ways in which the rise of the digital and the technician can influence society and its environment. Matrix is a rather remarkable example of the films that, framed in the science fiction films, have captured public attention in different latitudes of the planet, contemplating a future in which real and virtual, physical and image, space and cyberspace, seem confused as part of a dissertation between a world associated with technological advances and the meaning of life and existence. The chaotic scene of Matrix allows analyzing some issues around the apogee of the DTIC and its socio-spacial implications for the immediate future. From the geography is urgent to begin discuss these conceptions and perceptions of the world, and their extrapolations with our reality most close.



