The uneven spread of new technologies in Europe. The tough challenge for the EU2020S


  • Francisco Xosé Armas Quintá
  • Xosé Carlos Macía Arce


Europe 2020, Information Society, Digital Divide, Education, Early leavers from education


A Digital Agenda for Europe and Youth on the move are two of the seven flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 Strategy for growth in Europe. The main objectives of these initiatives consists of promoting ICT, especially the Internet, as a strategic tool to improve business, healthcare services, transport and social activity in a better global standard of living context, and unleash the potential of young people to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the European Union. The Europe 2020 Strategy recommends broadband access for all European citizens by 2013, higher Internet speeds (30 Mbps or above) by 2020 and to implement a lifelong learning system. Nevertheless, what is the real position in the European regional and urban context? This communication attempts to analyse the current situation and trends in relation to the Europe 2020 Strategy initiative


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