Infoparticipa Map: Interactive Mapping for the Improvement of the Quality and Transparency of the Local Public Communication


  • Pedro Molina Rodríguez-Navas Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Núria Simelio Solà Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Marta Corcoy Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Antonio Aguilar Pérez


Interactive Mapping, GeoMedia, Public Communication, Transparency, GeoKnowledge


Transparency, quality of the information and the involvement of citizens are essential aspects in a democracy. The Infoparticipa Map is an interactive mapping platform with digital tools in order to allow citizens to evaluate public policies. In this sense, citizens can exercise their right to political participation on a solid basis when counting on complete information regarding the actions of those who hold political responsibility in their cities. The results obtained have been shown that the Infoparticipa Map and the approach adopted are effective for improving the information and communication practices of the local institutions. The success of our methodology has been possible because of the interest of the decision-makers and technicians in improving the quality of their information. They were aware of the social demand for greater transparency, as well as in need of criteria and knowledge about the difficulties encountered in organizing and delivering information in an accessible and understandable way


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