Bibliometric analysis of urban and ethnic struggles in human geography (1990-2016): new paradigms or continuity of tradition?


  • Alex Paulsen Espinoza
  • Yilver Mosquera Vallejo


Urban struggles, Ethnic struggles, Electronic resources, Bibliometric analysis, Human Geography


Urban and ethnic struggles in the current neoliberal era have intensified the processes of reappropriation of spaces as forms of resistance to various government policies. The objective of the present study is to analyze the scientific production referred to these two topics within the human geography, by virtue of the electronic resources existing in the databases. The proposed methodology integrates and assembles several softwares that were used to carry out the bibliometric analysis, such as Atlas.ti, HistCite, among others. The results indicate that the disciplinary matrix of urban struggles is maintained over time, while ethnic struggles maintain a dialogue between cultural and political geography


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