Territorial Justice and Popular Science. Latin American Transformative Science Proposal 2024-2050





Territorial justice, Popular science, Transformative geography, Participatory-research-action


Territorial justice and popular science are the product of a tendency, both subliminal and emergent, in the gradual development of a transformative science in Latin America. The objectives of this article are: to present perspectives of territorial justice and popular science that are useful to the conception and formulation of the LATS (in spanish, CTL) Latin American Transformative Science Project 2024-2050; to communicate and interpret thirty-eight actions promoting praxis and theories of territorial justice for a popular and transformative science; to present specific cases driven by UNLP-CONICET (Argentina), UNIOESTE-Fundación Araucaria (Brazil), and other institutions to relate them to the perspectives that give title to this article; and to recognize how through countless transformative praxis our Latin American scientific network "Territorios Posibles, Praxis y Transformación" has produced the proposal of Latin American Transformative Science 2024-2050. The methodology starts with the recognition of the perspectives that give name to the article, to deepen both in the qualitative analysis of the 38 actions in the collective of researchers in Latin America, and in some concrete initiatives in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia. This analytical and interpretative methodology on a double scale has contributed to the conclusion of the present investigation: the conception and formulation of the LATS (CTL) 2024-2050 Latin American Transformative Science Project, in this first stage among 12 academic institutions in Latin America. CTL promotes rigor in the execution of methods, techniques, and devices, popular knowledge, interdisciplinarity, inter-institutionality, and research praxis and cooperation with the subjects of each project.


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2024-08-01 — Updated on 2024-08-01



